If you are over in the UK, take a moment and head out to Internet World’s 20th anniversary celebration. The expo is one of Europe’s biggest and longest-running events covering digital business and has been held annually since 1992!
To get the best idea of the advancements we have enjoyed since 1992, you can see what was released to the public in that year and still has a resonating impact on the technology we use today:
Windows 3.1 was released by Microsoft
ATT makes a video telephone available for purchase with a $1,500 price tag
Microsoft releases Microsoft Works
Wow! That was a big year for change. But nowhere near the change Zunicore has brought to the cloud. We have made advancements beyond expectations and continue to lead the industry with the features, flexibility, and control you demanded.
Make sure to stop by the Peer 1 booth and say hello to the Zunicore team.