Why use Autoscaling
Zunicore Austoscaling is a feature which provides select operating systems the ability to dynamically add CPU cores and/or RAM as needed during load conditions. When the load is removed, users are able to retire the Autoscaled CPU and/or RAM away manually so that users can save on compute resources.
What is Autoscaling
Zunicore has the ability to monitor running virtual images’ CPU and RAM load, and then to dynamically provide additional CPU and/or RAM to virtual images under load. The criteria for when Zunicore is to add the additional resources are set by the user.
For instance, Zunicore can be directed to add additional CPU cores at the rate of 25% (one fourth a CPU Core) per hour if the CPU load exceeds 60% for more than 15 minutes.
Many operating systems cannot accept added CPU or RAM without rebooting, and currently none are able to release unused resources without manually scaling resources down by the user. To get around this limitation, Zunicore offers Autoscaling Load Balancers that allow additional virtual servers to be spun up and take load such as a burst of activity on a web site for instance and shutdown and remove servers when CPU or RAM load is gone. While Autoscaling resources are used, the additional resources are billed hourly at a similar rate as normal non-Autoscaled resources, and those are in turn summarized on the monthly statement. Sign into your my.zunicore.com account to see our Load Balancing Knowledge Base article for creating a Load Balancer
Autoscaling is an ideal cost-control technique that allows a virtual image, like a web server subject to crowd-sourcing or other activity bursts, to automatically handle added load during peak hours.
Read the full guide about enabling Autoscaling for your Zunicore Resources.